About us

The Antikenmuseum Basel and Sammlung Ludwig exhibit 5000 years of Mediterranean culture. Our outstanding collection focuses on Egypt, the Middle East, Greece and Italy from 4000 BC to 400 AD. We believe that the ancient world serves as both the foundation of and an inspiration for the present. These ancient cultures are brought to life through our special exhibitions and programmes. Through dialogue with our visitors, we are able to create connections that transcend eras and cultures. 

Team and Board of Trustees
Annual report 2024 (coming soon)
Annual report 2023
Annual report 2022

Getting involved

Over 60 years ago, some prominent economists and politicians gifted their exquisite antique collections to the canton of Basel-Stadt, paving the way for the founding of the Antikenmuseum. The museum is financed by the canton of Basel-Stadt, whose support covers the ordinary budget. However, when it comes to reorganising the items in a collection, making new acquisitions and hosting special exhibitions, we are reliant on private donations from foundations and sponsors. We invite you to share in our passion for the ancient world and to follow the example of our many supporters by getting involved with the museum.

Companies & foundations

Various well-known companies and foundations are key partners of the Antikenmuseum and support our projects. They enable us to host special exhibitions or expand our permanent collections, for example.

Current projects:

Special exhibition ‘Hero Games’. We will be happy to send you the project budget on request.

Contact for companies & foundations:

Dr Andrea Bignasca
+41 61 267 01 75

Michel Pompanin
Managing Director
+41 61 267 01 21

Donations & gifts

Small or large, one-off or regular donations, gifts and bequests: the ways you can get involved with the museum are as diverse as the people who support us.

Contact for donations:

Dr Andrea Bignasca
+41 61 267 01 75

Contact for gifts:

Laurent Gorgerat
Head of Permanent Collections and Special Exhibitions
Member of the Extended Executive Board
+41 61 267 01 44

Bank details: Postfinance
Account name: Antikenmuseum Basel and Sammlung Ludwig
IBAN: CH37 0900 0000 4003 1023 5


We are grateful for the support of our donors. They are private individuals who make an annual donation to the museum’s foundation. If you would like to become a donor, you can find more information here.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our donors for their generosity:

- Dr Barbara L. Begelsbacher
- Bernhard Berger
- Prof Dr Peter Blome-Schweizer
- Dr Stephan Feldhaus
- Dr Dominique Grisard
- Dr Felix Grisard & Claudia Grisard Barbour
as well as all anonymous donors.

Contact for donors:

Kristina Schäublin
Assistant to the Management & Fundraising
+41 61 267 01 25