Current Exhibitions

Egypt 3,000 years of culture on the Nile

3,000 years of culture on the Nile

Permanent collection 
Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig

The Antikenmuseum Basel has the richest and most diverse collection of Egyptian art in Switzerland. The newly designed show uses the latest exhibition technology to take visitors into the mysterious land of the pharaohs in six themed areas. A children’s adventure trail invites visitors to discover and reflect on ancient Egypt and offers interesting entertainment for young and old.

Audioguides are available in three languages (German/French/English): Please bring your own smart phone with headphones. Free Wifi is available.

How a Masterpiece is Created

How a Masterpiece is Created

Permanent collection
Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig 

The Antikenmuseum has a vase collection that is famous for its quality and variety far beyond the borders of Switzerland. Greek pottery, with its beautiful shapes and elaborate decorations, is truly fascinating. The creations offer an insight into the lives, customs and beliefs of an ancient people and their culture. But how were such masterpieces created in antiquity, and what were they used for? The new didactic exhibition for young and old presents the diversity of Greek vases and shows how they were made and how they were used. Numerous vessels have been preserved, thanks to the robustness and durability of fired clay. The final part of the exhibition provides information about the work of archaeologists and how the pottery exhibits were found.

World of the Etruscans

World of the Etruscans

Permanent collection
Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig 

During the 6th and 5th centuries BC, when the Etruscan culture was flourishing like never before or after, Rome was still nothing more than an insignificant settlement. With their rich metal deposits, thriving agricultural system and lively trade relations and cultural exchanges with other Mediterranean peoples, the Etruscans had become one of the most important civilizations in the ancient world. Etruscan territory covered the areas in Italy that are known today as Tuscany, Umbria, and northern Lazio. The new permanent exhibition, which extends through six rooms, presents the fascinating and multifaceted culture of the Etruscans.

Treasures of the Collection and Their Stories 

Treasures of the Collection and Their Stories 

Permanent collection
Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig 

The Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig houses Switzerland’s biggest collection of cultural assets from all the ancient civilizations that once existed in the Mediterranean region. The new permanent exhibition “Treasures of the Collection and Their Stories” is dedicated to the history of the establishment of the museum, as well as the most important donations that made the museum’s establishment possible, and subsequent donations that later contributed in a major way to its expansion. Some 50 Greek pottery masterpieces will be on display in chronological order in the museum’s largest hall, while another room will be dedicated to provenance research, offering an insight into the museum’s meticulous internal research activities for investigating the provenance of its exhibits.

World of the Greeks

World of the Greeks

Permanent collection
Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig 

In the permanent exhibition "World of the Greeks", the Antikenmuseum Basel presents part of its outstanding vase collection from a contemporary and surprising perspective.

The Sculpture Garden of the AntikenmuseumExtending our collections into the outdoorsFree entrance

The Sculpture Garden of the Antikenmuseum

Extending our collections into the outdoors
Free entrance

Using weatherproof replicas of famous Greek statues, we will extend our collections into the outdoors, thus transforming our idyllic gravelled square into a sculpture garden for visitors to enjoy and relax in. A QR code will give you access to a series of interesting facts about the sculptures and allow you to delve into the ancient world accompanied by music, images and stories. A further two sculptures will adorn the main entrances to the front and back of the building, grabbing the attention of passers-by. All sculptures will be lit up to illuminate the entrances and the courtyard as harmoniously poetic light sources on dark winter nights.

 Upcoming Exhibitions

Hero Game Discover the Legend Within YouAn interactive Adventure

Hero Game
Discover the Legend Within You
An interactive Adventure

14 September 2025 – 29 March 2026

Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig

In this exhibition, which is set up as a game, you can become a hero. Inhabit your own game character and embark on an adventurous mission. Immerse yourself in a mythical game world, and take on the most famous missions of the greatest Greek heroes.

Meet the terrifying Medusa, fetch Cerberus the three-headed dog from the Underworld, and face the man-eating Minotaur in its Labyrinth.

Seven different missions in the form of analogue and digital games await you. Discover your own extraordinary abilities and earn your own personal hero status.

Be part of an interactive cultural experience, see what it feels like to be a hero, and experience the Antikenmuseum in a new way.


Past Exhibitions


19 November 2023 – 26 May 2024


Virtual tour

Ave Caesar! Romans, Gauls and Germanic Tribes on the Banks of the Rhine  

23 October 2022 – 30 April 2023


Virtual tour

animalistic! Animals and hybrid Creatures in Antiquity  

19 October 2021 – 19 June 2022


Virtual tour

About harmony and ecstasy. Music in the ancient civilizations 

18 April 2021 – 24 October 2021


Oriental Grand Tour. Photographs from the Ruth and Peter Herzog collection 

13 September 2020  – 13 December 2020

Gladiator. The true story 

22 September 2019  – 13 March 2020


Naked! The art of nudity 

26 October 2018  – 28 April 2019

Basilisk, Zeus and the kidnapped Professors 

27 August 2018 – 23 December 2018

Scanning Seti. The Regeneration of a Pharaonic Tomb 

29 October 2017 – 6 May 2018


Culturescapes: The Decline of Heroes 

20 October 2017 – 21 January 2018

Happy Arabia? Myth and Reality in the Land of the Queen of Sheba

18 January 2017 – 2 July 2017


Sammler und Mäzene. Giovanni Züst und 50 Jahre Antikenmuseum Basel 

29. September 2016 – 2. April 2017

Der versunkene Schatz – Das Schiffswrack von Antikythera

27. September 2015 – 27. März 2016

Blumenreich – Wiedergeburt in Pharaonengräbern

3. September 2014 – 29. März 2015

Roma Eterna – 2000 Jahre Skulptur aus den Sammlungen Santarelli und Zeri

Juni 2014 – 18. Januar 2015

Wann ist man ein Mann? – Das starke Geschlecht in der Antike

6. September 2013 – 21. April 2014

Petra. Wunder in der Wüste – Auf den Spuren von J. L. Burckhardt alias Scheich Ibrahim

23. Oktober 2012 – 20. Mai 2013

Sex, Drugs und Leierspiel – Rausch und Ekstase in der Antike.

20. Oktober.2011 – 15. Mai 2012

Ägypten, Orient und die Schweizer Moderne – Die Sammlung Rudolf Schmidt (1900 – 1970)

25. März – 31. Juli 2011

ausgegraben! – Schweizer Archäologen erforschen die griechische Stadt Eretria.

22. September 2010 – 30. Januar 2011

Hermes statt SMS – Kommunikation in der Antike. 

26. März – 15. August 2010

Köstlichkeiten aus Kairo! – Die ägyptische Sammlung des Konditorei- und Kaffeehaus-Besitzers Achille Groppi (1890–1949).

16. Oktober 2008 – 3. Mai 2009

Homer – Der Mythos von Troia in Dichtung und Kunst.

16. März – 17. August 2008

Das Gold der Thraker – Die alten Zivilisationen Bulgariens.

13. März – 18. Juli 2007

In Pharaos Grab – Die verborgenen Stunden der Sonne.

22. September 2006 – 28. Januar 2007

Bunte Götter – Die Farbigkeit antiker Skulptur.

11. August – 20. November 2005 (in der Skulpturhalle Basel)

Tutanchamun – Das goldene Jenseits.

7. April – 3. Oktober 2004

7000 Jahre persische Kunst.

13. Februar – 29 Juni 2003 

Agatha Christie und der Orient.

29. Oktober 2000 – 1. April 2001

Syrien – Wiege der Kulturen.

4. November 1999 – 9. April 2000

Basler Ausgrabungen in Petra / Jordanien.

9. Dezember 1998 – 31. August 1999

Kostproben aus alten Kulturen um das Mittelmeer. Objekte aus der Sammlung T. und H. Bosshard-Wirz.

16. April – 30. September 1998 

Das Lexikon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae. Blick in die Zukunft.

1. April – 15. Juli 1997

Ägypten – Augenblicke der Ewigkeit. Unbekannte Schätze aus Schweizer Privatbesitz.

20. März – 13. Juli 1997

Die Büchse der Pandora. Frauen im Klassischen Griechenland.

28. April – 23. Juni 1996

Lebendiges Jenseits. Faksimiles und Aquarelle etruskischer Grabmalerei.

16. März – 2. Juli 1995

Pompeji wiederentdeckt.

19. März – 10. Juli 1994

Petra und die Weihrauchstrasse.

12. August – 14. November 1993

Paradeisos. Frühe Tierbilder aus Persien in einer Basler Privatsammlung.

10. Dezember 1992 – 2. Mai 1993

Der Entwurf des Künstlers. Bildhauerkanon in der Antike und Neuzeit.

10. Juni – 1. November 1992

Sethos ein Pharaonengrab.

5. Dezember 1991 – 29. März 1992

Der zerbrochene Krug. Vasenfragmente klassischer Zeit aus Athen und Grossgriechenland, Sammlung H. A. Cahn.

13. Juni – 31. Oktober 1991

Orient und frühes Griechenland. Kunstwerke der Sammlung H. und T. Bosshard.

13. Juni – 14. November 1990

Schutz und Zier. Helme aus dem Antikenmuseum Berlin und Waffen anderer Sammlungen.

28. November 1989 – 10. März 1990

Persepolis – ein Weltwunder der Antike.

5. April – 2.Juli 1989

Zweitausend Jahre Leben auf dem Monte Iato.

7. Februar – 15. April 1989

Maske, Ziegenbock und Satyr: Ursprung und Wesen der griechischen Maske.

3. Mai – 18. Dezember 1988